In very simple terms, civil engineering is the sub-branch of engineering that is concerned with everything that is built up around us. In other words, civil engineering is associated with pretty much most of what has come to define our modern civilisation today.
One can say that civil engineering is the world’s oldest discipline of engineering. It may therefore be argued that the first time man built a shelter or made an improvised bridge using a tree trunk to cross a river it was an application of the concepts of civil engineering.
Civil engineering may be defined as the profession that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of structures and fixtures that include public infrastructure such as roads, highways, bridges, dams, railways, but also includes buildings, houses, pavements, and so on.
When a person thinks of civil engineering, buildings, bridges and tunnels are probably the first structures that come to mind. This is because these are the most visible results of the work of civil engineers. Civil engineering also includes the ‘less obvious’ constructions and installations without which our life today would be impossible, such as water supply, drainage and sewage systems, designing the routes of train tracks, tram tracks, metro lines, monorails and more.
The duties of civil engineers expand to fields even more diverse than just infrastructure projects and designing buildings. In today’s world, civil engineers can be found in fields as varied as aviation and aerospace, where they contribute to the design of aircraft and spacecraft, space stations and airports, and in the automotive industry where they contribute in different endeavours such as improving the load carrying capacity of a chassis, or designing bumpers and doors that come with improved crashworthiness. In short, civil engineers are involved in any industry where there is construction and the design thereof involved, such as shipbuilding, power generation, oil and gas refineries, land reclamation, among multiple others.
Needless to say, civil engineers are always in high demand due to the plentitude of construction and design projects both ongoing and planned. Their expertise, visions and ideas are highly coveted, and many organisations are willing to pay civil engineers handsomely for their contributions.
However, it is often a challenging exercise to find the most suitable civil engineer. Not only are organisations faced with the obstacle of finding the right man for the job, people who seek jobs in the field of civil engineering are also on the lookout for the jobs and organisations that best match their skills, qualifications, abilities and interest levels.
Candidates seeking civil engineering vacancies today can choose from a wide range of jobs. More and more people are increasingly taking to online job portals to apply for vacancies, while others rely on the personal and professional contacts of family, friends and other acquaintances, while yet others take advantage of professional social networking sites like LinkedIn in order to get in touch with prospective employers.

However, all said and done, there is one recruitment channel that has always remained popular: the newspaper advertisement. In India, newspapers hold a special place in the social and cultural life of people. Newspapers are regarded as the source of reliable and authentic information on a wide range of topics, and there is little wonder that people give greater credence to advertisements in newspapers than many other forms of media.
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A typical ad for a civil engineer would look like this: “Urgently required project manager for greenfield airport. Candidate must be B.Tech or M.Tech, and with 5 years experience in building design. Contact: 8520104109.”