Advertisements in newspapers serve very important purposes. They are useful to spread awareness about an issue, to inform people about an upcoming event, to make an announcement, to promote a product or service, to build and strengthen a brand image and to call people towards a particular course of action.
To achieve all or any of the above objectives, a newspaper advertisement must be able to effectively capture the attention of readers. Without grabbing a reader’s attention, no advertisement can successfully persuade them towards taking a desired action. Therefore, the way an ad is designed will have a direct impact on how a reader behaves afterwards.
Display ads are the most extravagant and most commonly seen type of ad in a newspaper. These ads are primarily focused on utilising visual elements to convey a message, and they come in varying sizes, depending on the nature of the message, the budget of the advertiser and the product, service, event or idea being advertised.

Here are some tips to make your newspaper display ad truly stand out:
- Keep it simple
The message that the advertisement conveys should be crisp and concise, and should be written in simple language that is free from excessive jargon or technical terms. This will make it easier for readers to process the contents of the advertisement.
- Use high quality visual elements
Display ads primarily rely on images, designs and colours to get a message across. Including images that are clear and detailed will make the ad appealing to readers. Adding design elements such as borders and columns, as well as symbols, will help to add structure to the ad.
- Leave enough empty spaces
Too much text or too many images within a limited space will make an ad unappealing to readers, in turn having the exact opposite effect to what was desired. Empty spaces around text, images and symbols are important as they make it easy for readers to move through the elements of the ad, and also minimises clutter.
- Add a call to action
Including a call to action in a newspaper is vital because this part of the advertisement is what encourages people towards a desired action. An effective call to action should be brief and clear, and must be able to guide readers towards the action they are to take.
With these pointers in mind, you will be able to craft the perfect display ad. releaseMyAd is here to help you publish your display ad in the newspapers of your choice so that you can effectively and persuasively get your message across to your target audience. With more than a decade of experience in the advertising industry, releaseMyAd offers you an easy-to-use ad booking platform as well as the lowest ad rates and discount packages for each and every kind of advertising requirement.