Newspaper classified advertising – standing tall like never before!

The purpose of advertising is to bring certain information to the attention of people. The objective of an advertisement is to either spread awareness, build a brand image or call people towards a specific course of action. Advertisements may also serve the purpose of reminding.

Advertising is not a new concept. Advertisements have, in fact, been in existence since ancient times. In our world today, advertisements are everywhere. These ads draw our attention to products, services, events, announcements or any other kind of information. 

People advertise in numerous ways today. However, there is one form of advertising that seems to stand out among the others – newspaper advertisements! Newspaper classified advertising has remained a popular method throughout the ages, and it continues to be the favoured choice of people in spite of how digital media has been increasingly taking over our lifestyles. 

Ads in Newspaper Classified

But what is it about newspapers that make them seemingly immune to the digital takeover? Let’s take a closer look.

Newspapers are an integral part of contemporary Indian lifestyles. Even though it is easy to access all the latest news online on mobile phones and tablets, reading the newspaper is unmatchable. 

An internet connection affords people the ability to access all the information in the world in just a few clicks or taps. Several kinds of information can be readily accessed within seconds. However, very little of that information has been verified or crosschecked. Each and every article in a newspaper, on the other hand, undergoes rigorous fact-checking, verification and proofreading before being sent for printing. In other words, newspapers guarantee the authenticity of information. 

Additionally, information on the internet is – more often than not – available in a disorganised or unstructured format. Newspaper articles are structured and coherent, making it possible for readers to assimilate information more effectively. 

It is also well known that advertisements in newspapers have a higher convincing power than advertisements on the radio or on television. 

No matter how advanced modern technology may get, certain things are irreplaceable and unreplicable, such as the thrill of holding a newspaper in one’s hands and turning the pages. 

These are just some of the reasons why newspaper classified ads still continue to be successful in this modern age. releaseMyAd is proud to provide you with a comprehensive, user-friendly and affordable platform through which you can book advertisements in the newspapers of your choice.  

A newspaper classified ad is more powerful than you think!

It may come as a surprise to many, but newspaper advertisements are the first type of advertisements that businesses generally think of going for. Even though the world has changed a great deal over the last few decades, with the digital revolution impacting essentially every aspect of our day to day lives, reading newspapers still remains an integral part of our daily routines. 

Today, we live in a hyperconnected world where content is consumed by the gigabytes and information is available to us within seconds. High speed internet is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today’s world. People get all their news and updates on their mobile phones, and are able to read about virtually any topic any time they wish. 

However, newspapers are still very much a part of modern day communication and advertising channels. It has been seen that despite the digital revolution, there has not been a corresponding drop in the bookings of classified ads in newspaper. 

Newspapers provide so much more to the readers than just the news. They are a source of information on a wide range of topics, and are a staple across virtually every household in India. 

As a matter of fact, even though there is an abundance of information available on the internet, it is difficult to ascertain how much is accurate. The authenticity of every piece of information on the internet cannot be reliably crosschecked. Meanwhile, every single story and article in a newspaper is thoroughly proofread and fact-checked before it is sent for publication. 

Classified Ads in Newspaper

People across the country regard newspapers as trustworthy and authentic sources of information on a variety of topics. Advertisements too contain important and relevant information that the general public should know about. Unlike ads on websites and mobile apps, which people will go to great lengths to avoid, even to the point of being willing to pay extra to avoid ads, newspaper ads are welcomed by readers. This makes booking a newspaper classified ad a great way to reach out to a wider audience. 

Additionally, reading newspapers is a healthy habit that is beneficial for other reasons as well. Newspapers help to increase the general knowledge of people, which helps to make them more aware about events happening around them as well as across the world, and in turn they are able to relate better to other people. 

All things considered, newspapers are of great benefit to society in general. Booking newspaper ads, therefore, are a highly effective way to reach out to a large number of people. releaseMyAd is here to help you reach out to a wider audience through newspaper classified ads. With more than a decade of experience in the field of ad placement as well as a strong network of advertising partners located across India, releaseMyAd is proud to offer you an ad booking experience like no other.

Newspaper classified ads are in higher demand than one might think!

The media plays an indispensable role in our world today. It is the media that serves to inform the people regarding events in the country and the world, to make people more knowledgeable on a variety of topics, to spread awareness on issues of public interest, and to advertise. 

Newspapers are an integral part of the media landscape in the modern world. The humble newspaper is a staple in households across the country, and they are regarded as authentic and reliable sources of the news, as well as information on various subjects and topics of interest. As a result, people in India have a very favourable impression of the newspaper. 

Newspaper Classified Text Ad

Even as it is all too common to see people glued to their mobile phone screens today, it does not imply that print media is obsolete by any means. There have been significant changes in the way people consume content over the last two decades, and this “digital disruption” can be largely attributed to the ability to access all the information in the world within just a few key swipes or screen taps. 

The sheer abundance of information all around us has led to a fair number of people to debate and even question the relevance of printed publications, such as newspapers, in an age where mobile phones and tablets are able to display and store publications in an electronic format. However, there are some key aspects that hold printed newspapers in good stead.

Newspaper classified advertising has a very big advantage in that it enjoys a high level of credibility. Advertisements in printed publications, such as newspapers carry the impression that the company spent money on advertising, and thus, the advertisement is legitimate and trustworthy. 

Even though information is easily available on the internet, a lot of the said information is not verified or fact-checked. In the case of newspapers, every article and every story is thoroughly checked and crosschecked before they are sent for printing. 

Newspaper Classified Display Ad

In a country like India where, in spite of the enormous advances in technology over the years, there are many parts of the country where high speed internet services are still not easily available. Additionally, many people are still not conversant with how to use modern day gadgetry. For these people, the daily newspaper is their only way to find out all the latest news. 

Additionally, holding a newspaper in one’s hands and reading it while turning the pages provides readers with an unparalleled feeling of enjoyment, much like reading a book. 

For all these reasons, one can safely say that newspapers are very much in style in today’s world! That being said, space in newspaper pages is in high demand for advertisements as well!

releaseMyAd is here to help you book newspaper classified ads online seamlessly and within minutes. Being the largest self-service online ad booking platform in India, releaseMyAd offers you an ad booking service like no other. With its strategic ad placement techniques and a strong network of advertising partners located across the country, releaseMyAd is proud to guarantee you the lowest rates for all your advertising needs. 

Classified ads in newspaper are still the ‘in’ thing!

In our modern society, the media plays a very important role. Newspapers are an integral – and sometimes indispensable – part of this role, and the sheer value that an overwhelming majority of the Indian public regards newspapers with is perfect proof. People read newspapers not just to keep themselves updated with all the latest news and ongoing events, but to make themselves aware and knowledgeable regarding a host of other topics as well. 

Book Classified Ads in Newspaper

Even as the ‘digital disruption’ has led to huge changes in the way people nowadays consume content, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. It is clear to see how great changes have taken place in the way content is consumed over the last two decades. In today’s world, it is very common to see people glued to their mobile phone screens – reading, scrolling, watching videos or even listening to audio programs such as podcasts.   

This is because modern day technology has made it possible to access all the information in the world in just a few screen taps or key swipes, and the effect of this digital revolution is all around us – one simply cannot deny the immense convenience and choice these gadgets offer us.

It goes without saying that this has led many to question the very relevance of print media, especially newspapers, in a time where the latest news is available up to the minute.

What is most often overlooked is the fact that even though online content is readily available at all times, anywhere and everywhere, it is print media that has a higher degree of persuasion power. It is also for this reason that people choose to book classified ads in newspaper.

In a country like India, despite there having been a great deal of technological advancement, a large number of people residing in districts are still not familiar with the use of modern day gadgetry. For them, reading the news online is not an option, and so the only way for them to keep themselves updated with all the latest news is through the printed newspaper. 

Classified Ads in Newspaper

In addition to all its practical advantages, there is a sentimental reason people prefer to read newspapers in their printed form. There is an unmatched thrill in holding a newspaper in one’s hands and reading it.

For all these reasons, one can safely say that newspapers won’t be going out of style as their popularity is still strong. releaseMyAd is here to help you book newspaper classified ads online seamlessly and within minutes. Offering you an ad booking experience like no other, releaseMyAd is proud to provide you with end-to-end guidance and support along with the lowest rates for all your advertising needs.

Why are online newspaper classified ads so lucrative?

It goes without saying that the way people consume content nowadays is vastly different from how they used to even two decades ago. Nowadays, people are able to access all the world’s information on their personal devices, such as their mobile phones or tablets. As a matter of fact, it would be safe to say that people nowadays are glued to their phones and tablets, and one need not look far even. This is because technology has made it possible to not just consume content, but also stay updated with all the latest news. All of this, instantly. 

In turn, this has led many people to ask if the digital revolution means the end of print media. While digital media is without a doubt the way forward in our world, this does not mean that print media, such as newspapers will go obsolete anytime soon. The reasons for this are many. 

For starters, even though one may argue that the internet affords people access to a wealth of information that is virtually limitless, it is extremely difficult to tell for sure how much of that information is accurate. Needless to say, verification is not always easy, and in some cases, not possible. Therefore, newspapers are credible and authentic, as the stories and articles published in them need to be properly vetted and fact-checked before they are printed. 

The information available on digital platforms and even on some websites are often presented in a highly cluttered manner, whereas articles and stories in newspapers are presented in a structured and categorised manner, which makes it easy for people to find the specific section or topic that they are interested in. 

Thirdly, India is a country with a vast population of over a billion people. Many people, especially those living in rural areas, are not proficient in the use of modern day gadgetry, while others are simply unable to afford a smartphone or a tablet. For them, the printed newspaper is their only source of getting to know the latest news. 

Additionally, while electronic devices provide a great deal of convenience, they are no match for the thrill of holding a newspaper in one’s hands and reading it. 

For all these reasons, newspapers are still very relevant today. They also have a stronger convincing power, so advertising in newspapers is big business today. To enable people to book ads easily, numerous platforms that offer online newspaper classified ads to be booked within minutes have gained great popularity in recent years. 

One of the most renowned names in the field of ad booking is releaseMyAd. releaseMyAd has been in the advertising industry for more than a decade, and is the largest self-service online ad booking platform in India today. With its strategic ad placement techniques and a strong network of advertising partners located across the country, releaseMyAd is proud to offer you the lowest newspaper advertisement rates anywhere.