Placing Ad in Living Supplement of Deccan Herald has never been so easy! Know how

Deccan Herald newspaper is printed by Printers Private Limited, a family business run by the Nettakallappa family. Launched in 1948, it is one of the most read newspapers among all other Southern dailies.

Deccan Herald is the highest circulated English newspaper in Karnataka & Living supplement is the most popular supplement of Deccan Herald. It is the most trusted newspaper brands & second largest circulated newspaper in Bengaluru. It has an estimated readership of 2,53,253 daily (as per Audit Bureau of Circulations July-Dec 2017).

It is very important for everyone to spend time every day keeping up with the latest news, information and developments. For instance, it may be food, lifestyle, fashion, health or even the latest technologies. Because of this, advertisement platforms having huge circulation numbers and are dedicated to city news are always in demand. To fulfil customer demand Living supplement is the best choice.

The Living supplement of Deccan Herald covers important topics related to fashion trends & health. So, placing a display ad in a Living supplement meets your everyday news demand. It also helps you to promote your business related to health clubs, boutiques and fashion events to get a quick response in a short span of time due to huge readership figures and its ability to target the correct audience.

There is a specific day for placing an advertisement in the Living supplement of Deccan Herald newspaper which is Tuesday. The ad should be booked two days prior to the publishing day. 

Display Ads in Deccan Herald Living

For display advertisements in the Living supplement of Deccan Herald, we must know the page sizes. For instance, if we are looking forward to placing an ad in full-page then the size will be 33 cm (width) and 52 cm (height). For half page, the size is 33 cm (width) and 25 cm (height). The minimum size requirement for booking an ad in this supplement is 4 cm (width) and 4 cm (height). 

To publish your ad in the Living supplement of Deccan Herald you can choose from various editions like Bangalore, Hubli, Tumkur, Mysore, Gulbarga, Hassan, Davangere, Hospet & Kolar.

Placing a display ad in a Living supplement of  Deccan Herald newspaper, please remember that the ad can be published only in colour format and not in black & white.

For additional information about booking an ad in the Living supplement of Deccan Herald, you can visit & follow the simple steps.For more queries about ad pricing and ad creative designing, you can call/ WhatsApp us on the numbers 9356222541 / 9830629298. You can also visit our website for a 24×7 live chat option for quick support. For more details drop us an email at