Did you know that public notices have been in existence even before the invention of the newspaper?
It’s true! This is something that comes as a surprise to many people, but many centuries ago when newspapers were still not invented, notices that were meant for the public were posted in public squares.
Naturally, this form of public notice underwent several evolutionary changes over the years,and it was in the first English language newspaper, called The Oxford Gazette, that the publication of public notices advertisements became the standard practice.
In our modern world, however, the term ‘public notice’ is used to refer to ads that are published in newspapers with the objective of making the public aware of matters that are of importance or interest to them. Publishing such notices for the public, therefore, is a legal requirement. This is so that the members of the public become aware of proceedings or decisions that may affect them.
The publication of these ads serves two main purposes. By placing public notice ads in newspaper, one can fulfil the legal stipulation that requires an organisation or company to make the public aware of decisions that have an impact on public life, as well as the more fundamental duty of providing the relevant information to the public.

Given that it is typically corporations, government companies and other legislative authorities, i.e. organisations whose actions and decisions have a direct effect on the general public, it is important that they publish public notice ads in order to make them aware and keep them informed regarding such affairs.
Public notice ads are beneficial to the society at large. This is because such advertisements make important and relevant information available and accessible to the public. This, in turn, helps the members of said public make informed and educated decisions regarding the subject matter of these ads. It may be said that these ads not only make people aware but also give them a fair chance to influence the decisions that have a direct or indirect impact on them. In other words, these ads are very much essential for the proper functioning of a healthy democracy like India.
In India, newspapers are an integral part of every household. People keep themselves informed about the latest news from the region, the rest of India and the rest of the world through newspapers. It’s no surprise that newspapers are an effective medium for publishing public notice ads.
Book public notice ads in the newspapers of your choice through releaseMyAd. releaseMyAd is India’s largest self-service online ad booking platform with more than a decade of experience in the advertising industry. Over the years, releaseMyAd has gained valuable experience and rich expertise in this field. With its strategic ad placement techniques and a strong network of advertising partners located across the country, releaseMyAd is proud to guarantee you the lowest rates for all your advertising needs.