Rajasthan Patrika is a Hindi language newspaper that was founded by Karpoor Chand Kulish in Jaipur on the 7th of March, 1956. Over the years, Rajasthan Patrika has grown to become one of the most popular Hindi language daily newspapers in India and it caters to a large, loyal and engaged reader base. The newspaper is published by Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd., which is more popularly known as the Patrika Group, and is one of the most widely read newspapers in the Hindi language. Its wide and extensive coverage across not just the Hindi speaking regions of India, but across the country in general, makes it a newspaper that is nothing short of an icon in its own right.
The newspaper is published as Rajasthan Patrika in Delhi and Rajasthan, and as Patrika in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Gujarat, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu. It is estimated to have a total circulation of more than 1.7 million copies on average on any given day, being read by millions of people across the country. The total readership of Rajasthan Patrika is estimated to be in excess of 31 million people.
Rajasthan Patrika has its headquarters in the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan. It is one of the country’s leading news publications, and all publications of The Patrika Group are circulated widely across the length and breadth of India, making it readily accessible to readers all over the country. The Patrika Group is primarily concentrated in India’s Hindi speaking region, chiefly Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Rajasthan Patrika was ranked the fourth most popular Hindi language newspaper and Patrika was ranked the sixth most popular Hindi language newspaper, as per the Indian Readership Survey of 2013. Rajasthan Patrika also has a noticeably sizable presence in India’s southern states as well.

Every single day, each issue of Rajasthan Patrika provides readers with the latest news from the region, the rest of India and from around the world. Along with the latest news stories, Rajasthan Patrika also provides readers with a vast selection of content spanning a range of topics of interest. These topics include entertainment, sports, automobiles, gadgets, business, health, devotional and astrology, among others.
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releaseMyAd has been a pioneer in the field of online newspaper ad booking, and has now made its foray into the realm of digital news media. releaseMyAd is proud to offer you the option to read Rajasthan Patrika epaper on its website. Whether you are on the move, or want to have the flexibility of reading the latest news on your personal device, releaseMyAd has you covered. Start reading the latest online edition of Rajasthan Patrika today!