As Dale Carnegie has once famously said, “a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” A person’s name is powerful and deeply personal. This is because people feel a great deal of attachment to their name, and their name provides a sense of identity.
Someone’s name should give that person a feeling of happiness and pride in their name, However, as it often happens, people are not happy with the name (or names) they have been given. In such a situation, they feel the need to change their name to something which they feel is more in line with who they are. For this reason, people book a name change ad in newspaper Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and various other parts of India.
When people get married, it is a common practice to change their surname. They also often change their names after a divorce. Sometimes, people wish to take on a completely new name that has no connection with any of their previous names.

It may so happen that a person’s name was misspelt on a document or on any other official paperwork. In such a case, getting the misspelling rectified at the earliest is imperative.
A person may wish to change their name due to astrological or numerological reasons. They may wish to make alterations to the spelling of their name, take on an additional name, or discard a name altogether.
It is not uncommon to see people holding celebrities, historical or famous figures in high regard. Sometimes, people wish to incorporate the names of people they idolise, or take on their names simply because of the influence that these famous personalities had on their life.
Whatever reason a person may have for wanting to change their name, it is perfectly legal to do so. As a matter of fact, changing one’s name is a common practice across countries and cultures. However, merely declaring oneself to have a new name does not make the new name official and legally binding. To make a new name official, an affidavit must be filed, and a name change ad must be placed in a newspaper. This is a legal formality that must be complied with, and this also ensures that the name change is bonafide.
Bangalore is one of India’s metropolitan cities, and is the hub of the IT industry in the country. It goes without saying that this teeming metropolis is full of people having diverse ideas, mindsets, attitudes, perspectives and aspirations. Statistically, this increases the demand – as well as prospective demand – for change of name ads in Bangalore.
releaseMyAd is here to help you book name change ads in the Bangalore newspapers of your choice. Take your pick from newspapers in Kannada and English, as well as other language news publications circulated in the city for your change of name ad requirements. Book your name change ads through releaseMyAd and get attractive discount packages as well as the lowest ad rates.