Dale Carnegie had once famously said: “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” There is profound truth in this statement, as a person’s name is so much more than just a name – it is their identity. It therefore goes without saying that a person attaches great value and attaches a high level of importance to their name. A name, in other words, is something that people hold a deep attachment to.
A person’s name is something that they should feel happy to have, and it should give them a feeling of pride rather than a feeling of detachment. However, it is not uncommon to see people changing their names by placing a name change ad in newspaper, for which there are several reasons.
Just as a person’s name is very personal, the desire to change one’s name is also a personal choice. Changing one’s name is widely practiced in countries across the world. It is completely legal, and is perfectly acceptable, as long as there is no intent to deceive or defraud by the person wishing to change their name.
The reasons that a person may want to change their name are varied and numerous. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Firstly, a person’s name may be misspelt. In such a situation, rectification of the misspelt name becomes important, and this rectification needs to be done as quickly as possible.
People may want to change their names due to astrological or numerological reasons. They may want to change the spelling of their given names, family name or even a middle name. People could want to take on or discard a middle name as well.
A person may not be feeling happy, or feel a sense of attachment to the name they were given when they were born. Therefore, they may want to change their name to one which they do feel a sense of belongingness to, as it would be a name that they feel suits their personality and identity better.
People may want to change their names due to astrological or numerological reasons. They may want to change the spelling of their given names, family name or even a middle name. People could want to take on or discard a middle name as well.
A person may want to take on the name of their spouse after marriage, or change back to their maiden name after a divorce, or they may want to take on an entirely new surname.
These are just some of the reasons that a person may want to change their name. As mentioned previously, changing one’s name is perfectly legal, but simply declaring oneself to have a new name does not make the name change legally enforceable.
To make a change of name official and legally binding, a person needs to file an affidavit, and also book a name correction classified ad in at least two newspapers. Of these two newspapers, one must be an English language newspaper, and the second must be a newspaper in the respective regional language of the state or Union Territory the person resides in.
releaseMyAd helps to make the process of changing your name quick and hassle-free. Book your name change ad through releaseMyAd and avail of the lowest ad rates for any newspaper in any part of India. With more than a decade of experience in the advertising industry, releaseMyAd is proud to offer you an unparalleled ad booking experience.